Thursday 11 December 2014

Lancaster Guardian Once More...

Beds in the Orchard went back into the Lancaster Guardian for the second time today.

If you're a regular follower of this blog, you may remember our first mention in the Lancaster Guardian where we were told that the closure to women was because of those long dark winter nights.

Things have moved on a lot since then, but we kept in contact with the Guardian and they decided to talk more about our campaign in today's edition.  We made it onto the front page, no less, and the full article is here - Won't take bed battle lying down.

We'd like to thank both Rebecca Wilkinson and Philippa Molloy for speaking out so clearly about what this campaign means to us and why we are fighting on. 

A lot of the article focuses on how we believe that the Trust did not adhere to the Equality Act when making the decision.  This is something that our MP David Morris is taking up for us.  The Trust believe they have adhered to the act, but the truth will be in the detail.

While you don't need to do a full Equality Impact Assessment or consultation for a temporary decision, we have been advised that you do still need to pay due regard to the Act and be able to provide the documentation showing how such due regard was taken.  Without such documentation indirect discrimination will have occurred.

As the Trust have been unable to show that such due regard has taken place, or provide the details of why they believe such due regard did not have to take place, our position remains the same.  Hopefully this is something that will be clarified one way or another through our MP.

Our spokesperson is still working with the Trust and has been in contact with them this week, although the feedback from her is that its "in progress" we expect that there will be further updates as time goes on.


  1. Fantastic!
    Keep this up team. You are showing people some of what Mentally Ill people have to face. Almost always never told because of the backlash, and when it is told it is normally ignored or dismissed by the people who are supposed to care. Normally out of ignorance and prejudice?

    You are also revealing the behaviour of many senior managers and how their consciences have been surgically extracted and prevented from regrowth through cauterisation.

    You women (I think you all are women?) are just purely amazing!

    Knight Owl.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. As was said by the commentor earlier in this blog, Christmas is now only s week away. We are watching!!
    We are waiting to hear the Correct act has been performed at the right time; even if it is the eleventh hour. And No-one is talking about a continuation of this PANTOMIME !


  4. Very interesting comments from night owl; and Oise-Elle, if I remember correctly there was some reference to the eleventh hour in Dickens' Scrooge, or was it 5 mins to midnight? I don't remember but 5 to midnight is where we are re the Beds.
    It was sad to read about Rebecca ' s experience. So glad though that your team were able to help her and for her story to be given the facility for airing in public. We need to know what you all experience, otherwise how else can we help.

    Keep up the good work. It's clearly been a long slog.

